Friday, 31 December 2010
Another world is possible: Vision Future - 2011 and beyond
Another world is possible: Vision Future - 2011 and beyond: "I would like to take a break for a moment from the theme we have been exploring in the last month and dream together a vision for the year..."
Vision Future - 2011 and beyond
I would like to take a break for a moment from the theme we have been exploring in the last month and dream together a vision for the year to come.
We have been looking at the ills of the world and why our socio/ economic/ religious system is so corrupt and out of touch with real human needs.
So let us see if we can envision the world we want to live in, and let us feel the inner scape we aspire to create this world from.
How about we start with a world where our unity is inspired by the celebration of our diversity.
A world where a hundred precent of our resources are spent on health, education, art, music upliftment of the disadvantaged and all other positives, that brings smiles to peoples faces.
A world where we gauge are progress by definitions such as GNP (gross national happiness) as opposed to the current GDP (gross domestic product)
At present more than half the world’s annual wealth is spent on defence, which is a very cunny word. In real language, half the world’s money is spent on instruments of war. So we take this money away from hate and we put it into love, Imagine! Really it’s not so hard to do.
Yes, lets imagine all together, a world where renewable energy has replaced the fossil fuel economy.
Where chemical/modern/ terminator seed agriculture has been replaced with working in harmony with the land and producing food of much higher nutritional quality, whilst preserving the health of mama earth, which grows our food. Imagine! Really, it’s not that hard to do.
Lets envision together conflict resolution through dialogue and understanding, rather than threats and war.
Let us instil love within each other’s hearts and leave fear to a bygone era. Really, it’s not that hard to do.
Yes, it does take our will and intent. So what? Isn’t it better than the illusion of separation, which is leading us down a dark hole of no return.
So let us affirm together, that we are all part of the one circle, even if for a brief moment in time, we might have differing points of view.
Let us join together to bring about the dissolution of these giant transnational companies, whilst handing back the wealth of each nation to benefit its own populace.
Lets support again the family owned store, which greets us with a real smile, and the small farmer whom really cares for the land.
Let us dream a world together, where no one gets left behind. A world where there is enough to satisfy all our needs, rather than our greed.
A world where there is enough to go around for everyone. At present 1% of the population owns 40% of the plants wealth, lets change this and make sure no one has too much or too little.
Let us awake to a new era of freedom, where democracy actually reflects the will of the people, rather than consent manufactured by the privileged few.
Really it isn’t hard to do, once we stop succumbing to the illusion of fear and offer real resistance alongside real solutions; all of us, together.
Let us create together a world where health is not an industry answering to its shareholders, hence healthy humans are not the desired outcome to the balance sheets of the giant pharmaceutical conglomerates.
Let us create a health system that does not profit from human suffering, rather celebrates human health and well-being.
Let proven natural healing be the mainstream and invasive, expensive so-called modern medicine be the last resort alternative.
Let us create again together, a world where children can identify the marvels of nature, rather than the logos of hundreds of brand names, luring them away from their innocence.
Let us celebrate innocence, magic and owe as a way of life rather than stories to be told in fairy tales.
Let us all know that all of the above is not merely a dream, but a reality that we can and will create together.
Happy New Year to all of you wherever you are. May you forever know, that that you are a star shining in an infinite galaxy. That you and me and all of us are creating the reality we want.
This moment we are all co-creating the future.
So…. What do you think? How do you want to see the next evolutionary step?
Would you be proud to tell the children you did nothing?
Do you dare to dream big, or have you been made to believe you are powerless by the powers that be?
Another World Is Possible
We make it happen
Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Who is the real terrorist?!
There is a new apparatus out there, another instrument has been added into the array of tools designed to control us in the he made world.
It’s called the terrorism myth.
The two most frequently used words in the media these days are economy and terrorism. With time most of us will apprehend the correlation between the two and why the current system of economy needs the terrorism myth to survive.
As we all know, words carry a lot of power and energy with them; so I started first by looking at the dictionary.
The word terror is defined as extreme fear, dread, horror, fear and trembling, fright, alarm, panic.
Terrorism is defined as the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
Ok, if I work my logic around these definitions, than who has used more violence and intimidation to achieve its political aims in the last 50 years?!
I think the answer is clear to all of us.
The U.S.A alone is responsible for the death of tens millions of people since world war two, all in acts of violence, designed to achieve its desired political aims!!!
So I guess by now we have acetated who is a terrorist.
I am not sure though if I get this right?
The state is allowed to inflict terrorism on other states or individuals, though an individual is not allowed to inflict terror on the state. Doesn’t sounds like fair play to me.
Of course we will all be better off once all acts of terror and violence are shunned and love and dialogue is embraced as the desired alternative.
We first started to hear the word terrorism buzzing around in the media in the seventies when the PLO was engaged in an armed struggle against the Zionist occupation of its homeland.
Yes, the PLO was engaging in acts of violence, which according to the dictionary could be defined as terror. So was the Jewish state. In fact its acts of violence were much greater than the PLO, though no one ascribed to them the word terrorism.
So what makes one act of violence legitimate and another a terrorist?
For the Palestinian, a PLO fighter is a revolutionary. For the Vietnamese a, Vietcong fighter is a freedom fighter. For the Afghani, the resistance is a battle for the homeland. For the tribal in the forests of India the Naxal is fighting for the survival of its tribal culture and traditions.
All of the above are termed by the state as terrorist.
So its seems that it all depends on which side of the fence you are sitting.

Now days this terrorism story is used to silence any opposition to the advent of multinational companies, as they conquer more and more territory, in their quest to exercise total control of the land and resourced worldwide.
Anyway, back to the terrorist story. The state is allowed to murder millions, because it feels it has a moral right to do so. An individual cannot blow himself into shreds in an of desperation at the states operation – he has not been sanctioned the moral right to do so by the powers to be.
One of the most spectacular acts of terrorism was committed on September 11 2001 by the American state.
Now whoever still has doubt the 9/11 was an inside job, is just refusing to look at the facts. There is ample of information out there to dispel any doubt on the subject.
When I was in NYC in the summer of 2007 I went a few times to Union Square to participate in a forum on 9/11.
Some far out extremist didn’t deliver the speeches there; rather, lawyers, architects, engineers, fireman, medic, scientist etc.
All had one conclusion. That it was impossible for these 2 planes to bring down one tower, let alone three!
So why was it necessary for the state to enact such a despicable act against its people?
Who is really the real terrorist here? In my mind it’s the ones that perpetuate the myth of terrorism, so to advance their agenda and eliminate all open avenues of resistance.
The American state had to enact such a spectacular act against its own people, because its citizenry were starting to wake up.
All over the world people are awakening to the fact that the current system is rotten and needs to be uprooted.
I use the word uprooted, because some may say we can just modify the system. We can’t. It is rotten to its core.
So as an awaking was taken place simultaneously world wide, the state needed a way to silence the opposition. Hence enacting an act of terrorism in order to cower us all to a submission, and make dissent almost impossible.
There is another reason for making us all terrorist - to creating an enemy out of all of us.
The American state relies on its military industrial complex for its survival.
Manufacturing weapons of mass destruction is literally America’s biggest export. Of course they call it defence industries; what a joke.
So it makes sense to make more of us into an enemy. It oils the economy, and makes silencing dissent easier.
As I said in one of my earlier post. Once dissent was considered a sign of a healthy democracy. Now it is seen as a rebellion.
The current state, which can actually be anywhere you live, does not tolerate dissent.
The current state is ruled by a bunch of transnational companies, which rely on the myth of terrorism for there survival.
These companies have bigger economies then most sovereign nations, and are answerable to no one, apart from there balanced sheets.
So, once I turned my head around this nasty puzzle, I realised that in order to get rid of the terrorism myth, we have to eradicate the economy myth. (Future postings)
So Let us not be fooled anymore by the notion, that it is necessary to curtail our freedoms in order to secure our freedom. This is a contradiction in terms, one that is dished out to us, in order that we accept our diminishing liberties to be.
Another world is possible. A world where we live in harmony, all hands together in a deep embrace.
A world where fear has lost its griping power over the populace and has been replaced by the melody of love and sharing.
A world designed for the welfare of all, rather than a few shareholders playing the casino royal on wall St.
We can and will create this world. The other choice is continuing to live in terror. This is not something any of us want!
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