The cost of a kilo of onions in India now, is more than the daily wage of two thirds of its population.
India is now considered an economic miracle, while two thirds of its population earns less than two dollars a day.
India is called an economic super power while half its children are malnourished and go to sleep hungry.
India is promoted as a place with friendly investment environment while half the population does not have access to a toilet and other basic amenities.
We are using India as an example at the moment, though it could be anywhere in the world.
Welcome to the ugly face of the brave new world, where the economy myth reigns supreme. Welcome to the brave new world championing the economy myth.
As we mentioned in one of the recent postings (the terrorism myth), the two most used words in the media these days, are economy and terrorism.
In fact these two are very closely related. We are being terrorised through the economy and if we offer any resistance to the current economic model we are terrorised by the powers to be.
We have become slaves to the masters in the executive boardrooms of the corporations.
It is very strange this economy story. In most countries where the economy is booming, people are struggling. This is a fact!
Offcourse, a fact never shared by the corporate media feeding our minds.
So if people have less when the economy is booming, obviously, this thing called economy wasn’t really designed to benefit the people.

Strangely enough, when the economy is struggling, things are easier for the common folk. Homes are cheaper, food is cheaper, while opportunities still abound.
So they created this myth that the economy is related to you and me and all of us - that we ought to care for the health of the economy. It’s a very clever myth conveyed to us by a media, which is owned by the same elite who created this myth and is ripping all of us off.
When I was in school, you never heard the word economy buzzing around, unless offcourse you were an economist.
Back then people still used terms as society to describe the social order we live in.
Now we don’t live in a society any more. We live in an economy!
At least that’s what they would like us to believe.
Ok, we are not going to go into things such as the debt base monetary system etc. Lets leave this for future postings. What we do want to get into is why the top one percent of the planet’s population earns as much as the bottom fifty seven percent. Why do we allow this to happen? Are we all so cleverly manipulated?
To me it sounds like utter insanity, and by no means am I a Marxist/ Leninist dreaming of the old communist order.
It just doesn’t sound fair. It smells of exploitation, lies and deceit; other wise, no one in their right mind would accept such disparity.
So what is wrong with the current concept of economy?
First and foremost is the fact that giant transnational companies are in charge and call the shots. They are accountable to no one apart from their balance sheets. These companies operate with impunity across borders and in reality are subject to no rules or laws, apart from the one’s they make.
Do you understand what we are getting to? These corporations have stifled all real completion in the ‘market place’ and control the movement of goods and services across the planet.
We are way beyond capitalism now. The cunning word globalisation has put us under the totalitarian rule of the corporations.
The masses all over the world are struggling because of the current system of economy. While few, very few are laughing all the way to the bank.
Any sign of dissent against the economy is crushed brutally by all means possible.
So, how do we change this, How do we disempower the corporations and take charge of our lives again?
Local – local - local.
Think globally act locally. This is not just a slogan; it’s a roadmap for transformation.
Wherever you are support the local community. Buy local, support local, participate in local and empower each other to be the real decision makers, charting the lives we wish to live.
Another world is possible – we make it happen
(More to come on this subject))
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