Thursday, 26 April 2018

consciousness and activism

An interview with Prof Samdhong Rinpoche.

Rinpoche has been a friend and mentor for many years. Embracing the world around him, he has fused into his path of a Buddhist monk, the teaching of Gandhi, Krishnamurti and others, thus walking a path relevant to our age. He is not shy to call a spade a spade when needed, such as the issue of terrorism and state terrorism being one and the same and he offers us his insight to what he sees is the best and perhaps the only way to bring true and lasting change in the world.

Monday, 16 April 2018

welcome to caferevolution

Cafe Revolution is starting a YouTube channel. We need your support to SUBSCRIBE and LIKE  the channel. YouTube has new rules that only channels with 1000 subscriptions can share LINKS. it is essential for us to share links with you, to support the facts we present. this is an attempt to quash grassroots journalism in favour of mainstream media fake news.
So, support us and we will support you in spreading the truth, facts, and inspire you that change and another world IS POSSIBLE. 

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Syria Lies, lies, lies